Wednesday, January 15, 2014

New Year New Chuveiro

Before I get into the story of the new shower I should report on our latest baptisms. The photo on the right here shows a member group with Adenilson, who was baptized on Saturday the 11th and confirmed on Sunday the 12th. Adenilson is the one with the Book of Mormon and Elder da Silva on his right is the Elder who taught and baptized him. (His first in the Mission, he has been out a few weeks now).

Adenilson is the brother of our Relief Society President and has moved to Prudentopolis recently. He met the Elders on the street one day and told them he was ready to be baptized. upon talking with him they found that he had attended church with his sister several times before even Sister McKinney and I arrived and had been taught by the Elders at the time. The Elders re-taught him the lessons and he was baptized the same week.

On the left is Adenilson and the young man (Cesar) who was baptized the same day with the four Elders serving here. Cesar was baptized by Elder Cesar (not his real name) and is the brother of one of the young women who was baptized at the end of the year. An explanation of Elder Cesar's name is probably in order. Cesar is in fact one of his names but not his surname. In our zone, we have Elder Silva (zone leader and Elder da Silva who is in our district. There are other Elder Silvas in the mission and each has a different variation of the name. There is Elder Silva, da Silva, F. Silva etc. Well Elder Cesar is also Elder Silva but decided to use one of his given names rather than be thrown in with all the other Silvas. Silva in Brazil is something like Smith multiplied by one or 2 thousand.


Now to my shower (chuveiro) story. A shower in Brazil is in reality water dripping out of the wall through a heating coil. The shower shown here is the same as the one we had in both bathrooms. The one in the master bath burned out so I proceeded to replace it. In doing so I had to see the wiring 
scheme so I pulled the wires of the one in the guest bath. You can see the wires I have pulled form the wall. You may think it is not a good idea to have electrical connection in the shower like this and I won't argue with you there. So now I was ready to install our new shower head in the master bath.

You can see that the new one is much sleeker in design than the old one but the picture on the right is not yet complete. You can see the coils that heat the water and it is ready now to receive the tank and shower head. The coils you see will be encased in a tank where the water will collect to be heated. There is a closer view of the coils below.

I should tell you that I put this thing on 5 times to get it right. The first time I got the mount wrong, the second time I noticed it wasn't heating the water and I had to remove a gasket from the wall mount. I swear the instructions said nothing of a pressure reducing gasket, the third time the heating coil came unplugged as I was putting on the last piece, the fourth because the shower was not level and the fifth was not the charm because it still doesn't heat as well as our old one but I am leaving it as is because I think it is just not as good a unit. But finally you get to see the finished product. If you think it looks a little like the starship enterprise, sister McKinney and I agree with you.
Side view of the Enterprise

The underbelly of the Enterprise

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